Saturday, March 3, 2012

Update from Beijing

We have had such a great time in Beijing. We have had great fellowship with our friends and will meet one other friend for breakfast tomorrow morning. We are blessed with the wonderful friends we have met from China who had come to Wisconsin to study.

Francis, Dennis, Ellen, Tracy and Ping in Tienanmen Square
If you have ever seen the movie The Last Emperor you will recognize the next photo.  It is in the Forbidden City where the emperors lived.

Today we went to the Great Wall.  It had snow yesterday and although this made the scenery pretty it made the footing on the wall very slick.  You literally could not get up the steep slopes in places.  We made it part way up and then took the sleds down.  It was very fun.  

Tomorrow we head to Shanghai.  Although our time in Beijing has been wonderful, we are eager to get to Shanghai and meet Brooke.  Please pray for us as we meet her and help her adjust to a very different life than she has had up to now.  


  1. Charlotte CedarholmMarch 3, 2012 at 5:51 PM

    Oh the memories from those places!!! Love the hat, Ellen. :)
    What time will you be meeting Brooke? Many thoughts for that time. Many thoughts for Brooke and for her friends she will leave behind as well as her foster family.
    Will you even sleep tonight????

  2. Praying for you and your little girl. Looking forward to all the pics of gotcha day. Blessings

  3. Your day is almost here--rejoice--enjoy every moment with Brooke! We can't wait to see pics from Gotcha Day!
